Group Study Room Reservations:
- You must be an HFC student and have a valid Hawkmail address in order to reserve a group study room; reservations are limited to HFC email addresses only. Names and emails should match for the individual.
- Reservations are available to student groups of two (2) or more; maximum of four (4).
- Group study room reservations may be made in advance for up to one week (7 days) out.
- Reservations are a maximum of one (1) hour per day per student.
- Group study rooms are reserved in the order that the request is received.
- Names of individuals who have reserved a room/are using a room will not be made public.
- Upon arrival, at least two (2) individuals (including the individual who made the reservation) must be present for the room to be unlocked.
- Please begin packing up your belongings a few minutes before the end of your reservation in order for the next group to use the room.
- Personal belongings left unattended will be turned over to Campus Safety.
Faculty interested in a dedicated work space should work with their academic department to identify an appropriate space.
Library staff reserve the right to edit reservations and remove or reassign groups to ensure the appropriate utilization of group study rooms.
Please keep in mind:
- Group study rooms are not soundproof.
- Snacks and covered drinks are welcome.
- Dry erase markers are available at the Circulation Desk.
Contact 313.845.9606 with questions or concerns.
Your Booking